• 877-492-9800

Contact Aberdeen Building Consulting by email

Notice to cybermarketers: Please do not waste your time sending information about your product or service. As policy, we don't business with unsolicited vendors.

Check here if you're requesting a quote for a house or building inspection only (call for other services)

Pricing is based upon the features of the property, so please be sure to answer as accurately as possible.

Your first name:

Property located in which borough or county:

Which neighborhood or town:

Property Type:

Property Description:

Street address of building:
Apartment #:
Total # of bedrooms:
Total # of bathrooms:
Total # of kitchens:
Total square
footage of building:
Total # of stories:
(from the ground floor up)
Age of building:
(within 10 years or best
guess if you're not sure)
Current Usage:
(e.g, retail, office,
industrial, etc.)
Is there a basement?
Is there a crawl
space under the
ground floor?
(a crawl space is like
a basement, but you
can't stand up)

Note: Our server will reject the email if the message contains a web address, i.e. "https://xyz.com"

Email address:

Phone number